Nicholas Hedges Nicholas Hedges

FOOSH Injury: Why it can cause wrist pain

Have you heard of a FOOSH injury before? It is and injury that often affects snowboarders and skier, as well as anyone that falls over. In this article Dr. Nic talks about FOOSH injuries, as well as why they need to be properly assessed.

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Nicholas Hedges Nicholas Hedges

FAI: The Hip Pinch That Won’t Quit.

In this blog, Dr. Nic dives into the diagnosis of FAI or femoroacetabular impingement. He talks about both the recent research on the topic, as well as his own personal experiences with it.

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Nicholas Hedges Nicholas Hedges

Hip Pain: Not as straightforward as we thought.

Hip pain can come from many different sources. It is important to figure out why you are experiencing hip pain, and then take the actionable steps necessary to decrease the pain and increase the function in the hip.

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Nicholas Hedges Nicholas Hedges

What is DNS? Part 2: The Czech Instructors

The instructor came over. She sensed my frustration and proceeded to place my partner in the exact same position I put them in, then shifted his body two inches to the right. His knee began to shake uncontrollably, his muscles behind his hip began to take the load of his body for the first time in years. He started sweating and could barely hold the position for a few seconds. As he stood up he felt muscles activate that he hadn’t felt in years. She had somehow managed to get to the root of his long standing issues in a matter of a few seconds. 

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Nicholas Hedges Nicholas Hedges

What is DNS? Part 1: A Ruptured Patellar Tendon

I get this question even more so now that I am a practicing clinician, but often struggle while trying to cram hundreds of hours of technical training into a short and relevant explanation. So I’ll try to explain my experiences here. The full explanation behind this technique involves baby pictures, Czech instructors, and a ruptured patellar tendon. 

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